

Promoter & ikf pmt official agreement


PMT Sanctioning responsibility

All Officials (Refs,Judges,Nurse/EMT) are paid for their work

Marketing and flyer creation

The venue is ensured for fighter safety

Rep is paid

Official Weigh Ins are recorded

Results are recorded

PMT officials have proper shirts

Event sanctioning and insurance is paid for

provide awards for the event

All registrations go through website and are paid for the event

PMT Promoters Responsibility

Mats and a safe amount of space for competition

POS system, Front Staff, Wristbands for door sales

Seating for spectators

Security guards or volunteers

Proper restrooms for large crowd

Provide logistics of event (weigh in times, location, bouts start time, etc…)


Fighter Registration Fees will cover all IKF PMT Officials, Fighter Insurance, Sanctioning to IKF, medals for winners, and flyer and online marketing.


All spectator fees from presale or door sales will go to promoter. The promtor can also use their venue space with vendors & sponsors to generate more revenue.


Event Procedure

Participant Registraion

Participants will be able to register on pmtwest.org

live participant roster will be shared with promoter.

Weigh Ins

Weigh ins take place at location with PMT Official recording weights

Bout list is reviewed and posted on PMT website

Doors Open

Front staff manage the inflow of spectators and participants

Front staff will account for spectator tickets

Rules Meeting

Rules are explained to every participant

Officials Meeting

Officials are briefed of all positions and review PMT Concepts

Bouts Start

All hands to keep event moving no down time

Event End